Getting back down to basics

Greetings! Posting here was always in the back of my mind, yet I had never gotten around to it. Figured I should get down to documenting my fitness fun times.

So I bulked! I felt fat. I felt strong! I gained almost 10 pounds, and learned that when I eat intuitively, I gain weight. Fair enough! Shortly thereafter I got some terrible stomach problems, still unexplained. This period taught me how to fast again, and really got the food as fuel mentality into me, as well as natural hunger cues. So now, with that going on….I’m shredding it up for summer!

I had another big revelation: even though I was up 10 pounds, I compared progress photosh: and hardly noticed a difference. It really is a mindgame. However, I want to be lighter again so I can enjoy calisthenics and lean bulk, maybe get some definition? Ok, so im a little bit vain.

Finally, I managed to pop something in a finger tendon the same week as tearing a hamstring, so I had to lay off the deadlifting AND pullups, and its been just terrible. I’m still finding ways to make gains with my gimpiness, and my hamstring is back to 90%, but its been rough. Anyway, that’s me for now. Heres to getting badass!